Common CLAMPS in the movie: For costumes, it was law enforcement clothes and black clothes, for lighting it was dark and filmed at night and also filmed in the day. for acting it was quite serious, curious, and tense, for make up gunshot wounds was often and blood, for props a gun is used, cars, and for setting it is in the city of Miami.
Common Sound in the movie: The movie uses non-diegetic and diegetic sounds.
Common Editing in the movie: The movie commonly uses jump cuts to go from one scene to another.
Elements of the Genre in the movie: The movie consists of someone getting arrested. There is a police station with two cops as the main characters. Tracking down information.
What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?
We like how the two cops ended up arresting the person and getting justice once and for all.
What elements of the genre did the movie have that do not appeal to you?
We did not like how throughout the movie, the characters were being more comedic than rather being serious.
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